
From soothing soups to something a bit more out there, there is a recipe that’s just right.


Soak 18.8g (half a tael / 4 serves) of bird’s nest in filtered water for 6 – 8 hours, then drain.
A standard box of HealthyNest Bird’s Nest contains 37.5g (one tael) / 8 standard serves.

Temperature Control

The natural nutrients in bird’s nest will be degraded in extended conditions of high heat. Thus, to preserve the nourishing benefit of bird’s nest, the product should be cooked on low heat in water.


After cooking, the stewed bird’s nest can be served immediately, or stored in the original cooking container for up to 5 days in the fridge.
Stewed bird’s nest can be enjoyed hot or cold.

Traditional Recipes

Ingredients: Half a tael of HealthyNest Bird’s Nest, 1 bowl of water, 2 bowls milk, 5 egg whites, a little ginger juice, a portion of pearl powder, rock sugar adjusted to taste.

Method: Add water to the bird’s nest and cook on low heat for one hour. Add all other ingredients except the rock sugar. Mix and immediately seperate into four bowls. Steam each bowl for 10 more minutes. Just before serving, dissolve some rock sugar in each bowl.

Effect: Smooths the skin, replenish qi and soothe the nerves.

Ingredients: Half a tael of HealthyNest Bird’s Nest, 1.5 bowls of water, 2 bowls fresh milk, cubed papaya and rock sugar adjusted to taste.

Method: Add water and rock sugar to the bird’s nest and cook on low heat for one hour. Add milk and papaya, then continue cooking for 10 minutes.

Effect: Calms the liver and stomach, helps maintain fitness and healthy skin.

Ingredients: Half a tael of HealthyNest Bird’s Nest, 10 tablespoons of fresh coconut water, 3.5 bowls of water, sago, and rock sugar adjustedto taste.

Method: Add water and rock sugar to the bird’s nest and cook on low heat for one hour. Seperately cook the sago in the meantime. Then add the coconut water and sago to the mixture and cook further for 10 minutes.

Effect: Cools internal heat, fortifies the spleen and lungs

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